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Create Proposal

Proprosals are similar to quaotation on how much it would cost for a list of product purchase.

  1. Login to your MaFactureDevis( application account.

  2. Choose Proposal on the left side menu.

Proposal Menu

  1. Click on the '+' plus button on top right side to create.

Proposal create button

  1. Fill the customer details, date, category.

Proposal create customer details

  1. Add product using Add Item button and add quantity.

Proposal create product details

  1. Once done click Create and your Bill is created.

  2. Open the created Proposal and click Send to send it to the user e-mail address.

Proposal send

  1. Once you send you can change the status of the proposal.

Proposal status change

  1. You can also edit the proposal and resend.